Time to Rest!

Lately, I’ve been hearing from women —friends, family, clients— that what we’re craving more than anything is rest.

Have you been having these conversations, too?

When we’re talking about rest, we’re talking about so much more than our head hitting the pillow for sleep or going on a destination retreat (though a nap somewhere gorgeous, like Tulum, would certainly be nice! bonus if there’s a margarita first). 

We’re talking about divesting ourselves from the notion that we must be constantly going, doing, producing, in order to be worthy and valuable.

Read that again. Isn’t it wild that that idea would be considered revolutionary?

The thing is, our hustle and grind culture puts us in constant survival mode whether we realize it or not. The message is that we must prove ourselves. Period. That’s it. That’s the message: that you’re not enough unless you’re doing more and being productive. 

So how do we move from survival to softness?

First, you have to start with the belief that you’re meant to be here. Your existence is no accident. You have worth and value simply by being.

Embracing that belief is the baseline to grow and expand. It’s then —when you’re most aligned with your TRUE self— that you can experience real rest.

Rest. Rest from trying so hard. Rest from twisting yourself into a pretzel fitting into boxes or being something you’re not. Rest from never feeling like enough.

That my friend is the rest I crave. And I wish it for you, too.

Susanne, author, speaker, business coach knows when to rest! Photo by Become Studios.


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